Now is the time for public sector organisations to take a community leadership role…
Our ground-breaking research revealed startling insights about the financial and wellbeing impact of COVID-19 in the UK. Organisations can use these findings to understand how customers will engage with them in a world where we become used to living and working with the consequences of the pandemic.
It is a study about how people perceive the impact of Coronavirus as at May/June 2020 and looking 6 months ahead.
Over 40 surveys, 3,300 respondents with over 8,000 comments form the basis for this study. It uses our Coronavirus Impact Indicator, (CVII), scale to measure economic and wellbeing impact on individuals and organisations.
The study has headline insights, sector specific analysis and transformation planning assessments available on this website. To see the detail, all we will ask for, and only once on any device, is your name, company and email address.
It is free to use, we only ask that you cite it in any reference made.
Our study is built around our CVII scale assessing economic and wellbeing impact.
The macro and micro indicators are accessible via the navigation menu throughout the site.
Here you can have quick access to a number of key themes that came out of our research.
These themes are particularly associated with the CVII scale assessing impact and economic impact.
The first time you click for more we’ll ask for your name and email email address.
Could this be the time to address inequality...
Companies could be facing a period of "work inequality"...
We had 25 participating organisations running 35 surveys, supplemented with 7 panel surveys. The sectors that had specific analysis were financial services, B2B, health and wellbeing, consumer technology, entertainment and public sector.